T3 W9 Inquiry: Deforestation Tasks

Kia Ora guys,

Hello everyone! Today I am going to be blogging all 2 tasks from Inquiry. Everything we have learnt so far are so fun! At the start we looked at the areas that tropical rainforests are found mostly near. The second thing was obviously the tropical animal fact files. We did that because its also important to know what animals live in tropical rainforests and how it would be an impact for them if deforestation continues. Next was Palm oil. We were looking at an ingredient used in food and products that has a huge bad impact on any rainforest whether it’s normal rainforests or tropical rainforests. Then we were looking at the effects on tropical rainforests from deforestation. It was sad to see everything. But, I am only blogging 2 tasks which I will tell you now. The first task was to make a slide about palm oil. If you don’t know what palm oil is you can see and why its a huge problem for rainforest and Deforestation. The second task was make a Canva poster about the effects of deforestation on tropical rainforests. I added as much information as I could for this. I hope this was enough information. I will see you guys in my next blog post!!

Palm Oil: 

Effects Of Deforestation:

I hope you enjoyed it!!

Ka Kite!

T3 W9 Reading Create Tasks

WALT: Relate ideas to own experiences and wider world.

Kia Ora guys,

Hello everyone! Today is a brand new week of school. This week is super exciting because the school disco is going to happen this Friday!! I am so excited! They are always lots of fun. Moving on! Today we have been looking at a different topic for book choices. We have been looking at the environment. The journal story I chose is called Unwanted Visitors. It’s about pests,weeds and other bad things in New Zealand. That is not all though. I chose this because I think it’s super important that pests back off. They are hurting animals such as the Kiwi bird. Or the pests eat eggs so those eggs can’t grow into more of that species. Some animals are going extinct because of this. We can’t afford to lose anymore animals!! So this is why I chose this story!!

Next is…you guessed it..the texts! Now it is time for the Scaffolding,Complementary and Challenge texts. For the Scaffolding text it was a YouTube video about the 2023 biosecurity. I am not too sure what “biosecurity” means but hopefully I will in the future. The next was the Complementary text which was another YouTube video about biosecurity. It talked about animals! Lastly the Challenge text was an article AGAIN about biosecurity but I found out what biosecurity means and it means procedures or measures designed to protect the population against harmful biological or biochemical substances. Soooo yeah. Hopefully that made sense!!

Create task 1: For this task it was only the flowchart. Which was adding 6 facts about our journal story in the boxes. My brain was kinda not braining so sorry if the facts I added were not very informative but I hope it’s okay. This was on a google drawing.

Create task 2: For this task I chose to do Design. For this task we had to make something that would be more environmentally friendly. It could be a rubbish bin that automatically sorts through rubbish or it could be a composting system for a worm farm bin. I made this on paper.

Create task 3: For this task I chose to do Create. This was we had to make a video on Canva that explains advice for protecting and caring for the environment. Even though it was supposed to be a video I like doing them on presentations. Videos just annoy me. So..Sorry Mrs Lee! I chose to do it on a presentation. I presented this on Canva.

Reflection: For the WALT I actually have experienced it? If that’s what it means. I made bees wax wraps when I was younger. I don’t really know if that’s what it was supposed to mean but i’m not sure. My review on the task was fine. See you guys later!!

Ka Kite!

T3 W8 Maths: Vegetable Garden

WALT: Use arrays to explore the commutative property of multiplying.

Kia Ora guys,

Hello everyone! Today I am going to be blogging the task for math. We have been working on a vegetable garden. We had to add different rows of vegetables. The task was very simple. We had to make lets say the carrots. 5 rows of 6 carrots. The others were like that. For the cabbages their were 4 rows of 4 cabbages. Then with the corn it was 2 rows of 10 corn. The strawberries were 6 rows of 3. Lastly 2 rows 5 of Radishes. For this learning task we were looking at arrays. Which we all would have learnt when we were younger. Arrays are rows of things. They could be rows of anything. This task was easy once you found out how to add the rows together with the different vegetables. I hope you enjoy it and I hope it makes sense. If it doesn’t please tell me and I will explain in the comments. Goodbye!

Reflection: First it was kinda tricky at the start because it was annoying. But after finding out how to do it, it was easy. This task was quite fun too. I hope you enjoyed it!!!

Ka Kite!

T3 W8 Inquiry: Tropical Rainforest Animal Fact File

Kia Ora guys,

Hello everyone! Today I am going to be showing you the animal fact file I made for my inquiry group Deforestation. For this we have been looking at tropical rainforests. This task that we were doing is an animal fact file about a tropical rainforest animal. I chose to do the Ocelot which is basically a wild Tiger,Cheetah looking cat. You can learn more about them in my fact file. I chose to do the Ocelot because I love cats and I always think cats are cool so when I found out that Ocelot’s are a tropical rainforest animal I jumped! I was soooo happy! I hope I gave enough information. Enjoy! (Slideshow but only one slide!)

T3 W8 Reading Create Tasks

WALT: Compare and Contrast within and between texts.

Kia Ora guys,

Hello everyone! It’s a brand new week and I have new create tasks to show you. For my new journal story I chose to do Bobsleigh. Bobsleigh is a sport where 2 or 4 people push the bobsleigh very hard as they can and they also travel at amazing speeds! You can see the speed facts in my create task 1. I chose to do Bobsleigh because I thought that it looked very cool and fun to go whizzing at great speeds in a little bobsleigh. Maybe one day I could even do that haha!

You know what’s next…the texts! Time to move onto the Scaffolding,Complementary and Challenge texts. For the Scaffolding text it was a YouTube video about a guide to bobsleigh and the rules and how to do the sport and other interesting facts. For the Complementary text, it was another video about the USA winning the 4 man bobsleigh gold. It was very interesting to watch. It’s crazy how fast they travel at amazing speeds! Then last but not least the Challenge text. It was an article about the history of bobsleigh. Some of the facts were in my create task 1 too!

Create task 1: For this task it was the same as last week. If your journal story was more a story you would choose the Story Map which had the basics like the main characters, setting etc. If your journal story was more of an article you would choose the Flow Chart and fill out 6 boxes filled with facts. Mine was an article so I had to do the Flow Chart. Both tasks were on a Google Drawing.

Create task 2: For this task I chose to do Examine. This was a task where you have to write down the rules of the sport and then if you could add any other rules you can add one in and explain why! This is my first time doing this task so it’s alright to tell me if I did it wrong! I presented this on a presentation on Canva.

Create task 3: For this task I chose to do Identify. This is a task where you have to talk about what a problem will be for a person in a wheelchair trying to did the sport. Then, you had to come up with a way that they could play. Just for you to remember the sport/journal I’m doing is bobsleigh. I made this on a google slideshow!!

Reflection: We have had the same WALT for ages now 😭 I don’t really know what it means but..I guess I did it?? Or maybe not? Here’s my review on the tasks. I chose to do different ones! I normally always do the same ones. I hope you enjoyed all of the tasks I did and I hope you did too. See you guys next week!!

Ka Kite!

T3 W7 Maths!

Kia Ora guys,

Hello everyone! today I am blogging two tasks from maths. The first task was we had to make a google slide on multiplication. Then after we finished doing those we got to make 3 custom slides with our own questions. I found it fun but easy too. Moving on! The next was on the interactive white board. We had to make shapes or words out of the rods and then make multiplication sentences with the numbers of the rods. I hope you enjoy it and please tell me if I got anything wrong. Goodbye everyone and I will see you next time!


Interactive white board: (coming soon!) (I’m so confused!! :[)

T3 W7 Reading Create Tasks

WALT: Compare and contrast within and between texts. 

Kia Ora guys,

Hello everyone! Today is a new week. This week is special because it’s Hauora week! It’s for our well being and mental health were we get to do fun activities. I’m so excited. Now we move on. The new Winter sport story I chose is called Ice Hockey. Last time I did Figure Skating. Ice Hockey is not too different to normal hockey except it’s on ice. It’s the second one I found most interesting and it’s quite popular. I liked the story well it was more an article than a story but that’s fine. It gave me lots of information and facts. Plus it told me the rules of the game! I recommend this story!

Next is….the texts! It is time for the Scaffolding,Complementary and Challenge texts! For the Scaffolding text it was a YouTube video about the rules of Ice Hockey. The sport seems kinda tricky to me. Moving on! The next was the Complementary text and it was another YouTube video about the first ever gold in Finland’s men’s hockey. Not very informative but entertaining to watch! I love seeing other people happy and excited which is why I love watching those types of videos. Last but not least the Challenge text which was an article about the sport Ice Hockey and it’s Olympic history. It was one of those articles that answers questions from other people. The website also told lots of facts I didn’t know!

Create task 1: This was a task on two different Google drawings depending on which type of journal story it was. If it was a story you would choose the Story Map and fill out the basics like Who’s the main characters? What’s the setting? etc. If your journal was an article you would choose the Flow Chart and add 6 different facts in your journal story. Mine was an article so I had to do the Flow Chart.

Create task 2: For this task I chose to do Design again because I just love drawing and designing outfits! For this task you have to make your own uniform for the sport your journal story is. I love doing this kind of stuff which is why I chose to do it again. I made this on paper.

Create task 3: I chose to do create! I am not sure if it was last week or the week before when I did this but I love doing this one. This task is when you make an alternative ending from your story. Even though mine is an article I still really wanted to do it. I chose to do this on Canva.

FF (Fast Finishers) For this task I chose one out of the three different fast Finishers. This was read for 20 minutes and then write a summary about the story you read. The story I read was called The Midnight Gang It’s one of my favorites by David Walliams. I hope I added enough information and not too much too! Oh and I made this on a Google Slideshow. Enjoy!

Reflection: Not sure what the WALT means but I guess I compared and contrasted? Here is my review on the tasks. I liked all the tasks. The ones I did not do were ones I just did not find interesting to me which is why I didn’t do them. I hope you enjoy the new layout of the tasks as it fits better from my Reading teacher who said it was easier. I hope you enjoyed everything and I will see you next week!

Ka Kite!

T3 W6 Writing Picture Prompt

I hope you enjoy the story! I don’t really have much to say about this I just hope you enjoy the story!

The Mutant Mushrooms 22/8/24

Chapter one: Prologue 

One fine day in Hawks lab 3 local scientists who were all studying and testing on different things were sitting down eating in the cafeteria. “Ugh…why is it always meatloaf?” Said a boy called Alexander who was picking at the sloppy meatloaf with his fork. “Stop complaining we have a busy day today” Said a girl called Anastasia she was the smarter person in the lab she didn’t mind the food. “*munch* huh? Wha-?”  and that is Melody. She would eat anything. Alexander tests on plants and flowers. Anastasia tests on food and other consumable things. Lastly Melody studies fossils and found dinosaur bones. *BANG!* “W-what was that..?” Melody looked around frightened by the sudden bang. “I’m sure it’s nothing but we can go check?” “You idiot Alexander! It came from your testing lab!” Anastasia was not amused at all. “Hey! No need to be rude Anastasia!” *BANG! CRASH!* “..” The door burst open..”W-what is that thing!!!” 

Chapter 2: The Mutant Mushroom

“U-uh what is that! Alexander, is that a mushroom? What did you do!” Anastasia backed away. “I didn’t do anything, I just put a weird liquid I found on the floor in the mushroom thats all!” The somewhat large mushroom was tall and big; it had a wide open mouth with teeth as sharp as knives, its eyes glowing slightly red. The face was twisted and contorted in a disturbing way and a smiling creepy face peered at the trio. Melody ran and hid behind Anastasia. “Alexander!! Kill that thing!” “I..I don’t…I dont know how too!” “What do you mean you don’t know how you created it!” “Maybe it doesn’t bite..?” Alexander and Anastasia spun around and they stared at Melody “What! No! Melody, you stay right behind me!” Melody didn’t listen. She maybe  thought the poor thing was scared. Melody walked over to the mushroom. The mushroom glared at her. Looking like the mushroom was going to suck her soul out of her. “Melody..! No..!”

Chapter 3: The Capture

“Woahhhh! H-hey put me down!” The horrid monster of a mushroom picked up Melody by her hair. “Put her down!!” Alexander tried very hard to grab Melody’s leg to try to pull her down. But the Mushroom swat Alexander away like he was a lost bug. The mushroom walked away with Melody in its huge hands. Then…it was gone…”W-what just happened..! Melody!!!” Anastasia ran to where the mushroom went. But…there was no sign of Melody or the mushroom. They both just…vanished into thin air. “C’mon Alex!”(That’s Alexander’s nickname from Anastasia and Melody) “We have to find Melody and save her!!!” They both sped off into the distance as fog surrounded them. They had a new mission and it was called Save Melody.

Chapter 4: Forest Whispers

Anastasia and Alexander ventured into the town. It was not the same. The buildings were knocked down and the sky was a dark peach orange shade. A few other mutant mushrooms were roaming the town. A few were eating farm cows. “I guess they only eat cows..? Or maybe animals..?” “Or they ate Melodyyyyyyyy!” Complained Alexander. “Oh quit it..we will find her and if they eat animals they wont eat her.” The pair were walking slowly around the mushrooms, The mushrooms were ripping up cows and animals and eating them like rabid dogs. “That’s gross..” Anastasia wrinkled up her nose. They continued walking until they reached a forest. It looked spooky and eerie. “Nuh uh i’m not going in there..” “We have to if we want to find Melody” So they slowly strode through the forest in search of Melody. As they were walking Anastasia stopped “What?” “Did you hear that..?” “Hear what?” “The voices..” “Your acting weird Anastasia..” “I’m not! Do you hear the voices..? “Your crazy” “No i’m-” They both stopped in the rustling leaves of the trees a soft small voice was heard..then..it got louder “Follow me…” “C’mon..” “I see you” “I hear you..” “Anastasia, let’s get out of here!” Alexander grabbed her hand and ran forward with her. “Why are you running..? Come back…!” They kept running until they reached an old abandoned building. “That’s not creepy at all..” They both stopped “Alexander..Melody might be in here lets go look” “What! I don’t wanna go in there! It’s scary…” “Don’t be a wuss c’mon let’s go find her”

Chapter 5: Mission Ending 

They both entered the old building “What if this collapses while we are in her..did you think about that Anastasia..?” “We will be fine lets-” “Please help! Alexander..? Anastasia is that you..?” “Melody..?!” “Yes Anastasia, it’s me! Please help! I’m trapped!” “We are coming!” Anastasia and Alexander all ran in the direction of Melody “Wait guys!” They stopped “Be careful..there are two mushrooms so hide when you see them or they will trap you like me” Anastasia and Alexander nodded at each other and crept forward. They opened a door and there she was. Melody was in a cage and was tied to a pole in the cage. “Oh thank goodness…” Anastasia ran over, opened the cage and began untying her. They grabbed her hand and ran out. They were walking through the forest back to the lab. “So..did they do anything to you Melody?” Alexander was curious. “No..they just threw me in that cage” They continued walking when they reached the lab. They walked in and began looking around. After a while Alexander called out “Hey guys! I found something..it could fix this whole problem!” The girls ran over and Alexander was holding a purple liquid in a bottle. “What is that..?” Melody asked “Watch this” Alexander put the liquid on a smaller version of the mutant mushrooms and the mushroom screamed then turned into a normal non moving, scary mushroom. They all looked at each other and smiled a look of relief. They finally knew how to save the town.

Chapter 6: The End

The trio locked up on bottles filled with the liquid and ran out shooting it out at the mushrooms. They all screamed and turned into normal mushrooms. They did this until all the mushrooms were normal. The people returned back to the town and they all worked together to get the town back in shape. After a few days the town was fixed. Anastasia,Alexander and Melody became heroes. They all continued their normal lives and they promised to not EVER test on things with that liquid again.


I hope you enjoyed the story! Ka Kite!

T3 W6 Reading Create Tasks

WALT: Compare and Contrast within and between texts.

Kia Ora guys,

Hello Everyone! Today I am going to be presenting the tasks. I have not managed to do it on Monday,Tuesday because the year 6’s were doing a program called Cycle Safety which is why I wasn’t blogging on Monday or Tuesday. On Wednesday I didn’t start it so now I’m starting it. For the book choices we have been looking at the Winter Olympic games. We could choose from a few sports. I chose Figure Skating. I just love reading and learning more about it! So that’s why I chose it.

Now it’s Scaffolding,Complementary and Challenge text time! For the Scaffolding text was a YouTube video about a girl called Anna Shcherbakova who won a gold when she was doing figure skating. This wasn’t really an information video just a video you would watch to see cool things. The next is the Complementary text. It was another YouTube of two people also just winning medals for the Olympics. Also another watch for try not to say wow. Lastly is the Challenge text. It was an article about Figure Skating. It told the history of the sport and other interesting facts.

Create task 1: For this task If you had a story you made a copy of a story map and fill in details like setting and characters etc. If your story was more of an article you had to have a flowchart. Mine was an article so I had to have the flowchart which was adding facts from your article. They were both google drawings just different layouts. Enjoy!

Create task 2: For this task I chose to do Identify. This was we had to make a problem for someone in a wheelchair trying to do the sport. Figure Skating would be a bit more difficult don’t you think? So this was to explain a problem that could happen if that person wanted to do the sport. I chose to do this on Canva :]

Create task 3: The last task I chose to do is called Design. For this we had to make a uniform for the sport. I am going to make a girl uniform although I had ideas for the men’s uniform I just didn’t have enough. I had so many ideas for a girl’s uniform though. I made this on paper and I hope you enjoy it!

Create task 1: Create task 2:

Create task 3:

Reflection: Comparing and Contrasting sorta matched up. Not sure what I am even saying at this point. The create tasks were fine and I am not sure about next week. Next week is Hauora week so we might not even do reading. Not sure yet. For now I will see you guys another time!

Ka Kite!

T3 W6 PB4L Crossing Safely

Hello everyone! Today I am going to show you the PB4L task on the task board. We had to make a video or a poster on 3 different things that were Crossing Safely, Driving Safely around Wigram and lastly cones and what they mean. I chose to do Crossing Safely. I chose to do it because I think it’s super important for everyone’s safety. I actually did this task on a presentation in Canva because I like doing it on presentations. I hope you enjoy this because I added as much info and some photos so read it till the end! I hope that you enjoy it!

Ka Kite!