T3 W8 Maths: Vegetable Garden

WALT: Use arrays to explore the commutative property of multiplying.

Kia Ora guys,

Hello everyone! Today I am going to be blogging the task for math. We have been working on a vegetable garden. We had to add different rows of vegetables. The task was very simple. We had to make lets say the carrots. 5 rows of 6 carrots. The others were like that. For the cabbages their were 4 rows of 4 cabbages. Then with the corn it was 2 rows of 10 corn. The strawberries were 6 rows of 3. Lastly 2 rows 5 of Radishes. For this learning task we were looking at arrays. Which we all would have learnt when we were younger. Arrays are rows of things. They could be rows of anything. This task was easy once you found out how to add the rows together with the different vegetables. I hope you enjoy it and I hope it makes sense. If it doesn’t please tell me and I will explain in the comments. Goodbye!

Reflection: First it was kinda tricky at the start because it was annoying. But after finding out how to do it, it was easy. This task was quite fun too. I hope you enjoyed it!!!

Ka Kite!

T3 W7 Maths!

Kia Ora guys,

Hello everyone! today I am blogging two tasks from maths. The first task was we had to make a google slide on multiplication. Then after we finished doing those we got to make 3 custom slides with our own questions. I found it fun but easy too. Moving on! The next was on the interactive white board. We had to make shapes or words out of the rods and then make multiplication sentences with the numbers of the rods. I hope you enjoy it and please tell me if I got anything wrong. Goodbye everyone and I will see you next time!


Interactive white board: (coming soon!) (I’m so confused!! :[)

T3 W6 Maths: Vacation!

Kia Ora guys! Today I am blogging some Math work! We could go on a vacation to any place that we could choose from on some slides we made a copy of. I chose to go to Hawaii!! I have always wanted to go. We could choose activities and where we were gonna stay. I was pretty happy with mine! At the end we had to add up the total of how much money we spent to go or do things it took a lot of working out but not too much to add up my total. I hope you enjoy it! (Also you can tell me if I got the total wrong!)

Ka Kite!


T4 W10 Math escape room

Hi guys and welcome back today I have made an escape room for math. It had lots of math questions. Like + – x and  ÷ I think that I did good and I double checked it was all good and not mucked up. So it should take you to the right slides. I hope you guys like playing my escape room and I will try to make more fun escape rooms to play in the meantime I hope you guys have fun and stay safe!! bye!